More Harmony in Family Relationships

Programs for women who experience conflict in family relationships. And want to experience more harmony. So that they are Self-Loving to themselves and their relationships.
A Self-Loving ability is about connection, agreement, and cooperation between all your emotions. Emotions flow as one. That is harmony. Harmony creates peace within yourself. And provides peace in relationships in your surroundings.

Unrest in your relationships. Indicates unrest within yourself.

  • Does it feel urgent to be there for others?
  • Do you give away too much energy to others?
  • Do you experience ingratitude, criticism, or rejection?

Discover how Self-Loving you are in your family system.

More Harmony in Family Relationships

More Harmony in Family Relationships. Are you a woman who wants to strengthen your family relationships? These programs focus on increasing yourself, your family of origin (parents, your mother, your father, your siblings, etc.), and your newborn family (child, and partner).

Relationship with Yourself

Focus: Body & Breath, Safety, Emotions
Are you a woman who experiences stress around conflicts? Where your body takes over. And experiences fear or resistance around pain, tension, emotions, and feelings.

  • Increase your capacity around Safety eg. pain, tension
  • Increase your connection with your Emotions
  • Increase your compassion for your Reality eg. illusions

Check the following Programs:

Relationship Family of Origin

Focus: Boundaries, Needs, Expressions
Are you a woman who struggles with your space in your family system? Where you are aware of your not serving behaviors. But you cannot stop because of the pressure to put the needs of others before your own.

  • Increase your creativity to unfold your Needs
  • Increase your capacity to set Boundaries
  • Increase your connection with Body Expression

Check the following Programs:

Relationship NewBorn Family

Focus: Compassion, Creation, Harmony Culture
Are you a woman who experiences conflicts between your needs and other’s needs? Where your expectations and roles are taking over. And experiences obstacles to freely express and act on your needs.

  • Increase your capacity of compassion around conflicts
  • Increase your creativity to create
  • Increase Harmony in your Family culture

Check the following Programs:

Connection and Trust in Family Relationships

Harmony provides peace in relationships. In a relationship where there is harmony, you and the other are in balance with each other. You and the other are in connection, agreement, and cooperation. Relationships flow as one. That is harmony.

When this is so. Everyone in the family can relax. When this is not the case. Then it rubs. Only when there is clarity about this unrest. Peace can be restored.
A conflict offers a new beginning to increase your Self-Loving Capacity.

By bravely remaining present and connected to yourself – during and/or after a conflict. Be there for yourself. And be there for the other. This creates trust in relationships.

See if the Self Loving Program is something for you.

Love & Live your Battles.

They are your Victories.

nicolekemp is intuïtieve coach & Reiki master

“In my relationships, I quickly took on the role of savior and mediator, in which I came up with solutions to other people’s problems. This cost me a lot of energy.

I also experienced similar relationships in my work. In which I presented an image of myself. As if it seemed that I knew it all, and I was trying to figure everything out myself.”

The balance was disturbed. In myself and my relationships. I started trying even harder to restore harmony. Which caused me and my environment to become completely out of balance.

© The Taboo Card Game

A touch of light into taboo

This card game is an invitation to explore taboo themes. Dive, touch them gently, and play with these themes.  To meet each other and each other’s feelings and find relaxation in them. Putting themes that can feel heavy into the light. To feel love and connection together. A warm welcome from seeing each other in all that is.

Available in Dutch and English Versions