©Taboo Card Game

A touch of light on the taboo

This card game is an invitation to dive into taboo themes, touch them gently, and play with them. To meet each other and each other’s feelings and to find relaxation therein. To highlight themes that can feel really heavy. To feel love and connection together. To see a warm welcome from each other in all that is.

The English version (also Dutch version Available)
33 playing cards with each of them a taboo card about your childhood and now. 25 EUR excl. sending cost.
Order via mail: ncckemp@gmail.com

How does the game play exactly?

There are no game rules for the game. The invitation of the game is to move from our head to our body. To become aware of our self-evident things. In which we: Be quick to answer questions. Feeling that we need to answer questions. Not wanting to be a spoilsport, and then share your answer anyway. .. By being aware of your head (what you think), and not acting on it (behavior). And check in with yourself first. How do you do such a thing? This goes through stillness, delay and feeling. By checking with yourself what this question evokes in you. What you can notice in your body. And what is it like for you to be with that?

If you can actually make this move. Then you discover first of all that giving words to it no longer feels necessary. Sometimes it is no longer necessary at that moment. And sometimes you reach a point of safety and relaxation within yourself, that it is correct to give words to it. This is the game. To discover this within yourself in a playful way. And to be faithful to the signals your body gives you. Can you manage that?