
The role of Manifestor in Human Design is Creating. Creating by taking all kinds of wisdom and knowledge from various places. And building a new concept and creations from it.

My first manifested creation is the Taboo Card Game. It was born during my pregnancy. The Taboe Compassie Workshop was born during my postpartum.

When you like to experience these games, I invite you to join in the workshops:

Now in the last 3 years of full-time raising a son, I am gradually birthing new Card Games. These Card Games focus on emotions within ourselves. Similar to Taboo Themes, we repress emotions too. And often we do not recognize our emotions, and memories related to it. The value of this game and workshop is that in a careful and playful matter we get to the core of it. Balancing sensations with body, and neutralizing the narrative and related pain.

When you like to experience these games, I invite you to join in the workshops.

When you want to deepen certain layers in yourself. Such as when you frequently face resistance or unsafety with sensations or uncomfortability with the anger emotion. I invite you to the workshop that focus on these specific themes. I chose these themes, as from personal experience they have been blocking to me to dive into my inner journey. Diving into these specific themes – resistance/protection, unsafety/safety, and anger/strength – gave me more access to my inner journey.

When you like to deepen into these layers, I invite you to join in the workshops.

I take creations of others a step further. Like the magical book of Liesbeth Schippers, DrakenLiefde. When she posted a message at Facebook that she sells her 15 books at once. Immediately, it got my interest. I had no idea what to do with the books (2020) – and I still have all 15 books (2024). However, I felt my mission clearly: I want to spread her book worldwide. I wanted to be her global ambassador of her book.

Right now, this idea is coming together into a board game, workshop and 3 months program.