The Mourning Fairies Card Game

I work with emotions, as the portal to your true essence.
Grief is often denied by many of us. Now that our society rushes through the day. Let alone that you give yourself time to grieve. It is essential in going from surviving to thriving modus. To regain back your life energy and to find new beginnings that can become very fruitful to you.

We do not recognize mourning states. The obvious one is when we lose someone. We face many other moments less obvious, losing something or someone in our lives. And we just have no idea about it. Connecting consciously with grief, mourning, and sorrow. Deepens the relationship with yourself and others. And create new opportunities. You regain strength over your vulnerability.

We are out of touch with the opportunity within grief. Therefore, becoming comfortable with mourning is key. This game:

  • helps you recognize more than 30 feelings of grief
  • becoming comfortable with sorrow, grief, and mourning
  • understanding the power of your heart during mourning
  • starting to use grief and mourning to move from surviving to thriving.

Interested? Shout out at
To show your interest in the game, to experience the game in an individual session or workshop.