The Birthing Mermaids Card Game

I work with emotions, as the portal to your true essence.
Birthing is hidden under a dark veil. A lot of confusion about birthing. And lots of turmoil around the role of masculine and feminine energies in birthing. Where the parents get the opportunity, after hitting the seabed. Then floating back to the surface together – re-born again.

We are cut off from this awareness. The beauty not only lies within the little miracle that is born. The magic lies within the family that can see the gift that this little miracle brings to the family. The gift of bringing you straight to the essence of what is Life about for you. Getting in an instant in touch with your intuition. Or with non-serving parts that keep you away from your intuition.

When we cut off this in-depth awareness, we chatter about every single thing in parenthood. A struggle that none of the parents can solve or win. When you can soar above these struggles. And connect with the little miracle baby you once were, what is it that you needed? And what you were missing at that time? It is not about solving that belly pain with an analytical trick. It is about being seen, connected, loved, and safe. We are unconscious. What it is like feeling this way. And how we can offer this to ourselves – and therefore neither to our babies.

We are isolated from innate parenthood awareness. Therefore, becoming comfortable with parenthood is key. This game:

  • helps you recognize the phases when parenthood starts, pre-conception, conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, parenthood
  • becoming comfortable with practical parenthood situations, eg. various ways of breastfeeding, sleeping, eating, cutting umbilical cords, etc.
  • insight into the power of the autonomic nervous system during birth. The system of the mother, and also the father, plus the caregivers
  • preparing for birth to regain back your primal strength and wisdom to thrive on earth as humans with each other.

Interested? Shout out at
To pre-order the game, to experience the game in an individual session or workshop.