Safe Sensing Workshop

90min, Є33 euro p.p. – on request via email

How aware are you about your feelings of safety. What is your first reaction. When you are asked to share something vulnerable or personal about yourself?

  • Do you change the topic
  • Do you set a boundary
  • Do you shut down
  • Do you return the question with a question
  • Do you come up with a (little) white lie
  • Do you laugh/smile it away

When we are uncomfortable showing ourselves. We have found ourselves in protection mechanisms. These mechanisms prevent showing our true being, on how we are doing. When it comes to negative experiences, feelings, tension, stress, or pains. We cannot deeply connect with it, and we stay superficial. Just to stay away, from the fear. Of what will happen – if you do.

The fear of will the other run away or stay – when you show yourself. Can the other capable receive you, and embed you with compassion? And the real truth. How willing and capable are you to see yourself with it? Do you trust yourself with it?

Workshop Program

  • Opening Meditation
  • Various shapes of unsafety
  • Various escapes of unsafety
  • Simple exercises to enlarge safety capacity
  • Recommendations and experiencing ways to increase your body awareness, your anchor in life

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