The DragonLove Board Game [DrakenLiefde]

I work with emotions, as the portal to your true essence. However, before getting in touch with your emotions. Often resistance (dragon) is standing in your way.

Liesbeth Schippers has written a magical book about this dragon. And how you need to become friends with your dragon. So that you can live your essence. And conquer your life energy.

When you face your dragon (resistance). We have automatic patterns that show up. Liesbeth made 3 knights (categories) of these patterns. And with one of the knights we are not so familiar. While that knight is key for your life energy. Of course, this knight gets support from other key players on the board game.

This game:

  • helps you recognize 2 main automatic patterns
  • facing and embodying your dragon and becoming friends together
  • understanding which help sources you will have along the way
  • importance of expressing and acting upon your desire (life mission)

How does this game work?

There are 12+1 characters. And starting from the King/Queen where you express your desire. While aiming to manifest your desire. You will move through each of the characters. You will do this by connecting to the wooden representatives of each of the 12+1 characters of the board game. The game includes a clear description of the 12+1 characters, an example storyline how the game, and supporting essential questions to journey on your quest.

Interested? Shout out at
To show your interest in the game and/or want to experience the game in a workshop or 3-months program.