Teachings (on request)

Nicole has attended various Shamanic Rituals since 2018. One or more times – in the Netherlands with Amber Feathersister Zillig, Deva Yama Voorhorst, and in Belgium with Ingrid Carpentier. On request you could receive these Rituals.

Rite of the Womb

Heal your womb. Release tension and pain. And set new intentions filled with self-love. Your womb is not a place to store pain. Set it free. Join the Rite of the Womb.

Agua de Florida

Make your own Sacred Water. And clean your stagnant energy with it. Feel the connection with Mother Earth strengthening. Join this Agua de Florida Event.


Receive 9 initiations from the Inca tradition. Lit up your chakra’s, heart, and womb. Munay-Ki means I love You. You do this for yourself. Join the Munay-Ki Ritual.

Nusta Karpay

Receive feminine initiations of 7 priestesses from the Andes. Heal, clean and set light in each chakra. Raise your love and light energy. Join the Nusta Karpay Ritual.

When did these Rituals enter into my life?

At the start of my burn-out, I was very uncomfortable showing myself vulnerable. The women circle in my case led by Amber Feathersister Zillig was for me a safe harbour to discover this precious vulnerable side of me. The side of me that was hidden to everyone, even myself.

Shamanistic Rituals healed and filled my heart. Each event in its unique way, either the shadow side or/and the light side of my heart. The ritual itself is a gift. Moreover, the whole gathering together with other women ‘my sisters’ is a blessing.

Shamanic gifts are there to be passed on. Connected in Love, I would love to gather with women and pass on the following events.

Rite of the Womb

Your womb is no place for fear. It is a place for creation. Healing your womb from pain, cramps, and tension to make space for creations. The Rite of the Womb provides you the opportunity to connect with your womb. To delve yourself with this immense power. And to let go of non-serving energies stored in your womb. And to set new intentions for creations derived from a place of love in your womb. An ancient healing to pass on to every woman.

Once you receive it you share it with as many women as possible.

In 2019-2020 I gratefully received various Womb Blessing from Amber Feathersister Zillig. Amber has received them from Deva Yama Voorhorst.

35 Eur | 300 DKK | 1 evening (2,5 hours)

Agua de Florida

Connect to Mother Earth in Spring by creating your own Agua de Florida. This Florida Water is made from blossoms and herbs. This Sacred Water can be used to clear stagnant energy in the body, and rooms. It is also used to protect your space and energy field while doing healing work. Plus shamanic tools can be cleaned with it.

In 2021 I received the Agua de Florida with gratitude and love from Deva Yama Voorhorst. She received it from the person who was involved in bringing the Q’ero to the Netherlands.

Agua de Florida is traditionally made only by women and the ritual way of preparing is only passed on from woman to woman. During this ritual following will be honored: Mother Earth, Ourselves, and the Women who have preceded us – the ancestral line. The strength we carry in our wombs and our hearts.

55 Eur | 420 DKK | 1 afternoon (4,5 hours)


Do something for yourself. Raise your Self-Love. The 9 initiations of the Inca-tradition set light in your chakra’s, heart and womb. Receive the Rites van de Munay-Ki. These big initiations of the Hindu Valley

  • The Healers Rite | Rite van de Heler
  • The Bands of Power | Rite van de ZienerBanden van Kracht
  • The Harmony Rite | Rite van Harmonie
  • The Seers Rite | Rite van de Hoeder van de Dag
  • The Wisdomkeepers Rite | Rite van de Hoeder van de Wijsheid
  • The Earthkeepers Rite | Rite van de Hoeder van de Aarde
  • The Starkeepers Rite | Rite van de Hoeder van de Sterren
  • The Creator Rite | Rite van Creatie.

Munay-ki means as much as ‘I love you’. Munay-ki helps you to discover and develop your inner strength. Munay-Ki includes 9 steps to heal the wounds of our past, childhood, and those of our ancestors. Munay-Ki is the wisdom of the Inca shamans, the Q’eros. The Q’eros are a community in the Peruvian Andes. The Q’eros are an ancient people that once belonged to the great empire of the Incas. Their culture is thousands of years old. They have a feminine culture oriented towards nature and spirituality. She possesses a wealth of knowledge about prophecies, healings, ceremonies, rituals, and initiations. Once you have received the Munay-Ki Rites, you may also pass them on.

In 2019 I gratefully received the 9 Munay-Ki Rites from Ingrid Carpentier. She received this in 2008 during workshops given by Paul Liekens, Brigitte Meuwissen, and Paul Kusters.

270 Eur | 2100 DKK | 3 afternoons (4 hours)

Nusta Karpay

Female Initiations from the 7 Priestesses of the Andes. Initiations where seeds of light are planted in your chakras, which clear your entire system, bring healing to live life full of Love again.

Nusta Karpay, like the Munay-Ki rites, has its origins with the Inca shamans. The Nusta Karpay is a tradition that was lost during the invasion of the Spaniards. A few years ago, the Paqos brought this back to the attention. The Nusta Karpay are 7 initiations, 7 beautiful teachings from the Goddesses (archetypes) of the Andes to heal and balance ourselves. At this initiation, you also charge 7 stones that you can use for (self) healing. You can also create your own medicine bundle.

  • Mama Ocllo She is the Mother of all Goddesses, and also Goddess of Wisdom. (stones)
  • Doña Mujia The Goddess of Water. (water and flowers)
  • Mama Simona She is the Goddess of the Ancestors. (receives a stone from a shaman)
  • Doña Theresa She is the Goddess of Harmony, of Softness. (despacho)
  • Maria Sakapana ‘Spiral of Wind’. (feathers)
  • Huana Wamantiklla Goddess of Sight and Vision. (idol; human-made object)
  • Tomasa Wamantiklla Goddess of Freedom. (3 candles)

In this way, the seeds are laid at each initiation. Each initiation is a beautiful ceremony where each time a different tool is used. Nusta means ‘Goddess’. The essence of the Nusta Karpay is to bring balance to the feminine aspect. It is time to meet ourselves by recognizing back the feminine in ourselves. Time to balance Yin and Yang, both for women and men.

In 2020 I gratefully received the Nusta Karpay in thanks and love from Amber Feathersister Zillig. She received this from a dear one who was involved in bringing the Q’ero to the Netherlands.

145 Eur | 1100 DKK | 2 afternoons (2×4 hours)