Monkey Business Program

Programs for mothers (with or without children) who experience conflict in relationships with children. And want to experience more harmony. So that they are Self-Loving to themselves and their children.
A Self-Loving ability is about feeling a strong connection, alignment, and cooperation with your children – and yourself.

Where you and your children are welcome as they are. With all their intense emotions like tantrums, anger, and (victim) sadness tears. Creating a surrounding where you and your children feel safe to express themselves.

This is a surrounding where children are equipped to live their true essence. And follow their own needs effortlessly. A place without fear, control, or enforcement. A place where they feel loved and safe to play, communicate, and be themselves.

Fear and conflict in your relationships. Indicates unfamiliarity and discomfort within yourself.

  • Do you feel comfortable connecting freely with all your emotions?
  • Do you feel comfortable giving space to all that is – in every moment?
  • Do you know your needs? And can you freely follow your needs?

1Y – Monkey Business Program

€ 999

or  333 Eur per Online Module.

You can start this Online Monkey Business Program anytime.
The data of the Live Kick-Off, Live sessions via Zoom, and Workshop sessions will be held on Sunday’s: between 13:00-15:00. The Live Kick-Off day will be available 3 times a year, at 13:00-16:00, at January 19th, May 25th, and October 5th.

In the 1-Year Program you will receive:

  • 1 Live Kick-Off with the Playing Unicorn Card Game in the form of a System Constellation.
  • 3 x 3 Live sessions via Zoom (50 minuten per session)
  • 3 My Monkey Business meditations
  • 3 x 3 workshop sessions with the Angry Trolls, Mourning Fairies, and Soothing Elves.
  • Online access to the 3 Modules

There are 3 Modules in the Online Monkey Business Program.

More Belly – Less Brain

Module 1: Hakuna Matata

  • Everyone is an artist
  • Everyone likes playing
  • Everyone is a natural performer

After this module, you recognize signals to unfold your natural ways of flowing – that work for you and your children.

You recognize and unfold your wall of resistance; your protection mechanisms. Complicating your flow with your children.

This online module focuses on:

  • awake your creativity
  • awake your natural motions
  • awake your relaxation need: body and breath awareness
  • awake your connection with nature
  • awake your natural playful being

Step by step reconnect with your belly in a simple, and natural way.


Module 2: Make Flying Hours

  • Our belly is the source of a natural flow
  • Living all senses is living life to the fullest
  • Everyone is a Bee-liever

After this module, you recognize and unfold ways of re-balancing yourself. To find a balance between resting and doing.

You discover conditioned beliefs that prevent you from staying true to your natural flow, and (intense) emotions – while taking care of your children.

This online module focuses on:

  • awake your natural cycle
  • awake your resources
  • awake your energizers
  • awake your emotions (compass of needs)
  • awake your needs for joy and sorrow (grief/sadness)

Carefully in a playful way reconnect with your emotions.


Module 3: Impossible = Possible

  • Visualisation is creation
  • Everyone loves Disney
  • “Imagination has no age”

After this module, you recognize and unfold ways to increase your awareness to re-center yourself. To find your way to return to a state of relaxation, calm, and ease.

You consciously unfold your automatic nervous system on a deep level that is distorting you to stay centered. To increase inner alignment. While balancing your needs with those of your children and family.

This online module focuses on:

  • awake your space
  • awake your gratefulness
  • awake your compassion
  • awake your needs for silence (mind, heart, and womb)

Consciously growing a shared family culture, where each other’s spaces are honored.

Hakuna Matata
Children are very curious. We try to explore the world around us. And try to understand things. We have our ways of expressing ourselves. Our natural ways of flowing, e.g. moving, dancing, playing, art, feeling, observing, and exploring. We use all our sensations (feelings, touch, smell, listening, speaking/singing). When we grow, we also learn to use words, read, and write. Which often constricts our senses, eg. overestimating eyes and mouth. When we spent a lot of time in active learning: reading and writing. We can become overstimulated.

You can say that during that time we overused our brain power. And hung upside down for too long with too much energy flowing to brains. And it’s important to get back into your belly space. A space where rest and recharge take place. And where you can connect with your essence and unique way of flowing.

Especially in the early years, you swing back and forth between your stomach and your brain. Or your default mode becomes hanging upside down. Living from your brain. And letting all energy stream to only your head rather than to whole your body.
However, children’s natural way of flowing originates from their bellies. Disturbed by their surroundings (stress). Causing an automatic (nervous) system reaction eg flight, fight, freeze. And leading to being in our head, e.g. becoming hyper or lethargic. Until the system calms down, and they experience a safe space again. Where children return to their natural way of flowing.
These early years – of my monkey business – are about experiencing and exploring your early imprints. Imprints that activate your automatic nervous system. And unfolding and distinguishing your unique natural way of flowing.

This is a shift towards falling and rising again – like a child.

Making “Flying Hours”
As children and later as adults we often get conditioned to live in an either … or world. Where we often live in extremes. Our automatic pilots frequently are over-stimulated.
We mainly act from brains. And we are very action-oriented.
We have lost connection to our unique and natural way of flowing. When we start to re-connect back to our belly. We regain access to our unique and natural way of flowing.
An open, curious, and non-judgemental way of moving into the surroundings around you.
Use all your body sensations. Not only the sensations close to brains eg. eyes, and mouth. Use your whole body. Also sensations as touch, feeling, taste, smell, and energy.
When using your whole body you engage with your surroundings on a deeper level. This is the level where children will experience safety in this (new) world. It grounds them. When we take responsibility for, for example, energy, touch and feelings. Instead of putting too much emphasis on eyes and voice). This often leads to very crazy and frightening expressions in the eyes and words of adults. Unfortunately, our society overestimates reading, writing, and speaking.
Deriving from only our brain – eyes and mouth. Causing our brain senses to get overstimulated. These senses require concentration and action.
While the senses of ears (listening), nose (smelling), touching (eg. feet on the ground, sand slipping through your fingers), and taste (mindful eating) get undervalued. While these senses are calming our system. Thus are key for rest, and balance.
We often play ping pong back and forth, from brain to stomach, and from belly to brain. Because the brain and belly often want different things. Brains try to fit into society and are driven by ego to compete with those around us, and prove ourselves to our family/parents.
It starts with awareness of your Bee-ing. Bee-lieve that you can reconnect with your unique natural flow where your belly and brain are not disconnected. And face and welcome everything in yourself to accomplish this desire to Bee-lieve in Bee-ing you.

This is a reminder training and overtime becomes natural.

The Impossible = Possible

As children when we remain connected as a whole. And are supported to live their essence. We experience a more meaningful life. We feel more connected to the source we originate from. Similar to being a baby. When our consciousness is already present before conception. And children who unexplainably (cannot always put the words to it) though wonderful intuitively communicate our/their imprints to you. Only if you could know how to hear them! And you can when you decide to.

When we are living from our center. Our belly, heart, and brain are aligned. We live from our body as a whole. And we instantly know what we want. There is no confusion between the brain, heart, and belly. Because the answer from those 3 is aligned – and you hear 3 times YES belly, YES heart, and YES brain. You know when the 3-YES are there. And you know when the 3-YES are not there.

At this stage, you are aware of your wall of resistance that brings confusion in your brain, heart, and belly. You are aware of your conditioned beliefs that overestimate the external pressure and values, and you stay true to your inner values. Then you are well equipped to face any distortion of your automatic nervous system.

Your consciousness becomes a way of living. Knowing exactly what you need to do. Or knowing when not knowing makes sense. You know a variety of (inner) help sources. Plus you are trusting that you are following your own pace on your journey. And everything unfolds in divine timing. You dare to have inquiries and dialogues about out-of-the-box questions that come to mind.

Step by step you are trusting and acting on dreams that come from a place from deep within. Not from a place of pain, fear, and illusions. It is from a place of love, calm, and trust. You know that your ideas will spark. And are taking more shape in time. A time of deep inner growth that gradually spreads via magical creations into the world.

This is a discipline and will become a way of life.