Paradise Parenting

Programs for parents who want to experience a safe and loving connection with children

From survival to thriving parenting. Because you welcome a baby.

In 3 ways:

  1. Expand Awareness
  2. Build Capabilities
  3. See safe and loving connection opportunities

In the midst of all that had been said, and all that is still unknown. You want to find your answers. And make your own choices. You want to be(come) the Parent you want to be for your children.

This Paradise Parenting program is unlike any other program. It reveals what experts do not say. Some parents share their parenthood insights with their children. Most parents do not share much about Parenthood for various reasons. This Program shares more about Parenthood than you can imagine. While you get empowered to unfold your Parenthood values. And find your answers, and make your own choices.

Read more about Paradise Parenting.

1-on-1 Program
Paradise Parenting

€ 800

  • 8 Coachings Live or Zoom (60 minuten per sessie)
  • 3 Card Game Sessions Live or Zoom (30 minuten per sessie).
  • 3 Self-Loving Meditations
  • Free Access to 3 Module Workshops (90min) of Choice

Safe and Loving Connection from the first imaginable moment.
Expand your awareness on the Connection Map from the first imaginable moment. Build capabilities to bond with your child. And see opportunities to experience a safe and loving connection with your child.

Focus 2. BIRTH
From preparing to comfortable ready for birth
Expand your awareness about Birth landscape. Find your answers and make your choices to feel comfortably ready for birth. Not only know the choices. Also, embody these choices by aligning them with your Parenthood Values.

From guessing to choosing to breastfeed
Expand your awareness to prepare for breastfeeding. Build capabilities to smoothen this journey. And see opportunities to prepare your “nest” so as a mother you are supported to be able to support your baby.

From surviving to thriving in postpartum
Expand your awareness on what you imagine of postpartum. Build capabilities to find your answers and make choices. Rather than relying (solely) on experts. And foster your oxytocin bonding bubble.

From fearing to loving recovery
Expand your awareness on smoothening your recovery. While building capabilities and seeing opportunities for bonding.

From doing it alone to becoming a team
Expand your awareness to be a thriving team as parents. And what support system can be helpful. Building capabilities to ask for help that meets your Parenting Values. And seeing opportunities for support moments.

Focus 7. SLEEP
From fearing sleep deprivation to loving sleep and baby rhythm
Expand your awareness to feel on top of your sleep and baby rhythm. Build capabilities to act on your sleep and baby rhythm. And see opportunities that sleep is major for a safe and loving connection with your child.

From depleting energy to feeling energized
Expand your awareness to prioritize your nutrition. And build capabilities to foster your nutrition as much as you nourish your child. See opportunities to experience a safe and loving connection on this fundamental theme with your child.

3 virtues of nicolekemp


Parenting in a safe space being true to who you are


Parenting from hard into a gentle heart being


Parenting in a playful space brings light and joy