Hi! I am Nicole Kemp,
An Intuitive Coach, Body Healer, and Game Designer.
Let’s just say I am an emotional battle conqueror, a sensitive spirit, and a compassionate taboo tension releaser – while being and staying connected to my relationships.
I help daringly conscious Parents to create space for their genuine selves. I help them expand their awareness and build capabilities.
- To conquer battles while staying connected with their children.
- To use emotional battles as a compass to unfold their values in Parenthood. A sensitive compass to transform emotions, and to genuinely see their children.
- To become compassionate about taboo energies. Knowing and recognizing that all taboo energies are in everyone, fosters equal relationships with their children.
In doing that, Parents develop a deep connection with their child(ren). They build confidence and compassion in Parenthood. Their awareness is a light beacon, where battles peacefully turn into victories. Parents will make choices from a true place of love and inspiration leading to priceless strong bonds with their children.
For Whom.
I see Parents struggling with being and becoming Parents, especially during emotional battles with their child(ren).
They do not slow down to prepare for the newborn, but they do try to maintain their lifestyles. Eg. Sticking to their routines and rhythms of rest and agenda-setting. And trying to plan the baby around it. Without actually realizing that the baby has a natural rhythm of its own. And it is there for a reason.
Many parents have nonserving beliefs when it comes to a support system. They think that they are bound to the help that is offered. Or they just blindly trust the help of others like experts or the internet. Because they must know better, they have done it before, or they are the experts or it is scientific data. Eg. “Kraamhulp” or “Health Nurses”.
In many situations, parents do not feel comfortable asking for help. Let alone asking for help that meets their true needs. And experiencing the freedom. That they can make their own choices. And that they do not have to do what they are told to do. Unfortunately, many parents do not know much about parenthood. Leading to adapting themselves to others who do know. Because they have no idea what it means to be parents or have a baby.
Want to know something? Seeing windows of possibilities to build a safe and loving connection with your child(ren). When you give a lot to your children, eg. newborn, baby, toddler, etc. Indirectly you give a lot in return to yourself. Finally, you are giving yourself. You always longed for. Though never knew. “<<Sigh>>, This is such a relief”. But there’s a way of living, expanding awareness, and building new capabilities behind experiencing a deep loving connection.
We have our habits and blind spots. We have our current pace of life in a fast-paced society. We have our set of beliefs of what is right and wrong. Most of all, we often live on our automatic pilots, leaving no space to slow down, to play, and to unwind non-serving behavior.
When you give yourself windows of rest, and clarity to connect to what parent you want to be for your child. You’ll make your first step in building a safe and loving connection with your child. This will enable you to support your children in their emotional growth. Experience confidence and compassion during emotional battles, strengthens a safe and loving bond with your children even more. As it is your gift of unconditional love to them.
Do you recognize this?
- Many parents think that children do not need much. Eg. The baby sleeps a lot. The baby can (p)lay alone in the playpen. Because they are unaware of the needs of the baby. Or they are unaware of their capabilities to act on these needs.
- Many parents act on teaching the baby to be independent. Babies can be alone and can sleep alone. Babies can eat alone and can eat solids as early as possible. Because they like to stick to their societal (work) rhythm. They fear sleep deprivation. They fear disruption of their freedom to continue their lives (agenda) as it was before.
- Many parents experience a lot of pressure to be perfect for their babies. They unconsciously want to give to their babies, what they longed for as they were a baby. We love our babies so much, that all our acts are an act of love. However, all acts of love are not necessarily all from a place of unconditional love. Unconscious family patterns and beliefs give a lot of unrealistic urgent pressure on wanting to be the perfect parent.
What would it be like if…
- Finding ways of slowing down, and gaining clarity on what it is like to be(come) a parent and to welcome a baby. So that you expand your awareness about Parenthood. And build capabilities and a space where you feel ready for birth, postpartum, and parenthood. And where you foster a safe and loving connection from the first imaginable moment.
- Finding the courage to prioritize your needs and your children’s needs, and gaining clarity on the unknown of Parenthood. So that you can find your answers, and make your own choices in the midst of all. And build capabilities and a space where you feel confident in expressing your values on what is important to you around birth, postpartum, and parenthood. Eg. breastfeeding, daycare, solids, and more.
- Freeing up space for a support system in postpartum and parenthood: (1) newborn care and (2) chores. So, you and your environment are a strong team for this transition into Parenthood. And you build capabilities and space where you feel compassionate towards the nature of the oxytocin bubble of your newborn family – in each situation of the growth of your baby. “It is just a phase, that changes over time” and “Support mother. And mother supports baby“. Eg. (1) newborn baby care: skin-to-skin, babywearing, and more. (2) newborn chores: nourishing food, and cleaning.
Why Work with nicolekemp?
Mother of a 3+ years old Son. Counting 3+ years of breastfeeding experience which is still ongoing. I am counting 7+ years in expanding my awareness from a place of true inspiration and love, – staying true to my values of what matters most to me.
My full-time Motherhood is a conscious choice. While being a Mompreneur. I am growing my business with the growth of my son.
As a Mompreneur, I have created & sold The Taboo Card Game – English and Dutch Versions. In the pipeline, I am designing more Card & Board Games expanding awareness around Parenthood. And I facilitated various types of Taboo workshops. Guided individuals. Plus, I have continuously built on the foundation of my business and website. Recently, I also started my practice space in Copenhagen. And I keep developing myself with various educations.
What do I offer?
An array of creations. From programs, games, live events, and master classes. And giving intuitive coaching and bodywork sessions.
Programs provide you with practical wisdom and tools to expand your awareness and build your capabilities in Parenthood at each stage.
Gentle and playful Card and Board Games to gain access to your Parenthood Values and to deepen them.
Live events are centered around embodying capabilities in Parenthood via board games. Often accompanied by system constellations.
Master classes are focused on expanding and embodying awareness of Parenthood themes, eg. Bonding in Birth & Breastfeeding, Baby Needs & Rhythm, Postpartum (sleep/rest/nutrition) Recovery & Bonding.
Then the intuitive coaching and bodywork sessions, are a safe and loving space for you to come as who you are. And to find relaxation within. To focus on what wants to be seen in you – so you can find relaxation and clarity within.
After any of my offerings, you expand your body awareness bringing you more confidence and compassion. And you expand your intuition towards the Parent you want to be for your children. And make choices from a true place of unconditional love and inspiration.
There is a step-by-step plan in 3 Steps to get that safe and loving connection with your children. See what this can do for you.

My journey to turn fear into trust
When caregivers had asked me to focus on myself rather than on others. Or when a career coach asked me: what do you want? Or what about you?. Then all my answers came back to my existence: ‘helping others’, as a life goal.
The part that I did not get to with my first caregivers. Was my underlying fear. My illusion. My fear. What I will lose when focussing on myself. I believed I would lose the one I love most. As underlying I believed someone needed me.
I needed a burnout, to realize that I had to focus on myself. And I need help just like everyone else. Asking for help is a healthy and social thing to do.
To turn my fear into trust. Required to face my fear of not losing others. And to build trust to connect with myself. And to realize that the opposite is true. Connecting with myself did not make me lose the other. It deepened my relationship with others. And it was the seed of building a safe and loving connection with my son.
Recognizing my underlying need: the connection with myself. So, surprisingly, my fears weren’t about others. They were about myself. It all starts within me. Thus within ourselves.

My first self-loving steps did not come naturally
From head to body, body to heart, heart to soul, and soul to spirit
The moments that felt like a gift. The moments when I made space for myself and was able to wade into a field of unconditional love. Feeling free from “shoulds and musts”.
Before my burnout, I experienced sessions. Where I experienced a lot of musts. From myself. And from the caregiver. The extent to which a helper is in a “pure field” determines whether I feel free to show myself.
Yet feeling (1) free to show myself was not enough. I still found myself in a wall of resistance, because it did not feel (2) safe to show myself. Often I felt stuck in my head or stuck in oppressed feelings.
Compassionate Harmony is feeling connection, agreement, and cooperation in making yourself visible from a place of love and at your pace. This only happens when one of the parties is in that free and safe pure field, to invite the other to join them in that free and safe space.
Gentle steps allow the layers of resistance to playfully unfold. Taking my time with that layer of protection. Entering that layer, moving through it, compassionately receiving it, and trusting that clarity follows.
As a sensitive spirit, I experienced various layers that matter to me to feel (1) free and (2) safe to genuinely show myself. Slowing down, fostering body consciousness, untangling energies, and respecting boundaries here are key. And weaving a safe web at the pace of myself. That’s where the gold is. The taboo emotions. The golden tears. That once wanted to flow. But didn’t. Allowing space.
This is what I bring to the coachee. Slowing down with my coachee. And weaving a safe web at the pace of the coachee. I invite you. To cry that river with no end, while knowing – to your surprise. You reach the mouth of the river into the calm sea. The moment, you can give bedding to all your golden tears: the sad ones, the angry ones, the grieving ones. You feel free.

“She didn’t know it couldn’t be done, so she went ahead and did it”
– Mary S. Almanac