Motion in Resistance Workshop

90min, Є55 euro p.p.on request via email

Even though you experience more and more awareness in your head and body. Do you experience that you are (sometimes) mentally and physically stuck? You will then be stuck in a familiar automatic program. And you then have the feeling that you want to explore this with someone. Because you can’t seem to figure it out.

There is the possibility to get out of this loop “directly”. However, I believe that these “loops” have a Self-Loving message for you. Do you want to increase your awareness of your resistances, and create more clarity on your loops: automatic programs? And do you want to relax and experience peace again?

Movement in Resistance Workshop

  • recognise resistance, allowing you to move through resistance more confidently.
  • insight into sadness, which gives you the certainty to let this emotion flow freely.
  • insight into anger, allowing you to convert this energy into strength.
  • insight into fear, allowing you to transform it and increase your self-loving capacity.
  • see through automatic patterns, creating opportunities for different behaviour.
  • simple exercises to create movement from head to body.

Do you stay angry for long? Do you worry a lot? Do you get stuck in mental circles? Do you experience a lot of discomfort and tension in your body?

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Do you want to be more aware of your resistance in your life? Then download an Infographic here. A simple view with an effective exercise for each resistance that you can try out immediately.