Angry Troll Workshop

90min, Є33 euro p.p. – on request via email

Anger is the utmost important and undervalued emotion. It protects you! Your qualities, gifts, and what you are meant to do here. It is trying to keep you safe.

When you face these unsafe patterns. And meet your ugliest self, and welcome her home. Then, also your most precious gifts and essence will feel safe to show itself. Why this game?

We are missing out on opportunities to find our true being. Therefore, recognizing anger is key.

Workshop Program

  • Opening Meditation
  • Why Anger Trolls
  • Understanding constructive and destructive anger
  • Using anger in a way that is beneficial for you
  • What is The Anger Trolls Card Game?
  • Intuitively we will pick one group card from
    The Angry Troll Card Game

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