Intuitive Coaching.

Receiving Coaching is a gift for yourself. The space you free up to make a deep connection with yourself.

Coaching by nicolekemp adds value to your being.

She works with the mirror of your surroundings. Whichever shape your mirror presents itself. Either through horses, other animals, trees, nature, … in combination with your own body sensations. Nicole can beautifully derive the core question that goes straight to the essence.

Your being will expand beyond what you can imagine about your current life.

Coaching provides calmness and clarity to reflect on your battles, and find the underlying meaning of it. More sessions deepen your insights combined with body awareness and transformative behaviors. Nicole’s strength is to make the impossible, possible.

Where you wonder if there is (still) any taboo or any illusion left in you. Nicole carefully and playfully broaden your perspective on areas that still like to receive light on some hidden places. Her strength is to zoom out at a meta level while being connected to your body and narrative. She invites you to new and surprising perspectives.

Horse Coaching

Clarity to take your first – heart driven – step. Horse coaching is a pure way of receiving wisdom on your journey. A horse genuinely shows you (no words needed) which next step you want to take now. And what is needed, to actually take them. This wisdom comes to you by effortlesly facing resistance, and working towards a calm space of deep connection with yourself.

The visualization element that the message of the horse brings to you is powerful. As it works as a reminder when you face similar situation in the future – and a motivator to actually act on it.

Nicole’s strength is to support in understanding the messages of the horse by asking you aligned questions that hit the essence of inviting you to know and experience what it is about.

1 Session (60-90min) · 90 Eur | 680 DKK
5 Session  (60-90min) · 400 Eur | 3000 DKK

Intuitive Coaching

Support on a specific help question. Intuitive coaching can be helpful to deepen your insights on recurring patterns and not-serving behaviors.

Nicole works intuitively. Plus intuitively see can invite you to work with various techniques:

  • Voice Dialogue
  • System Constellations
  • Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) model
  • Spiral of Creation (Marinus Knoope)
  • Nature
  • Wind direction Model (eg. emotion anger)

1 Session (60-90min) · 75 Eur | 600 DKK
5 Session (60-90min) · 325 Eur | 2500 DKK

Reviews Intuitive & Horse Coaching

“After Tuesday, more space was created again. I found it really interesting to discover how I had already secured certain things in a definition or even belief and this session created a way to look at them in a different way. Clear insights and also many positive points that emerged to be received and recognized. Thank you so much for being present without judgment, your invitation to go beyond beliefs and the space to discover taboos where I no longer expected them. !” – Gabi

Immediately after the session I felt strong. Acknowledging my own fear helps. The horse motivated me to be and act true to these feelings” – anonymous

It let me see how I can connect from a distance with my partner which made me more confident in our relationship” – anonymous

Acknowledge what is, being in the moment. Opening of my heart and let the energy flow. Powerful and revealing. – anonymous