Live Online Program for Mothers
DragonLove – DrakenLiefde – flies WorldWide

Do you, as MotherQueen, have the leading role over your life energy?

Play along! Play the DragonLove Board Game.

3 months in 2025: March, April and May

Do you, as Queen (mother), take responsibility for your own life energy and dragons in your life? Do you know your different types of knights? And do you have contact with the knight who can become friends with your dragons? To let the life energy and joy flow freely within yourself?

What can you expect from this 3-month training?

  • Receive 12+1 essential life lessons per character
  • Lovingly embrace all your character at your own pace
  • Discover how to free the princess (your life energy and joy) from her closely guarded tower
  • Every week there is 1 Live Online Session in which we put 1 character in the spotlight
  • This training includes a Free DrakenLiefde Boek from Liesbeth Schippers (OP=OP, maximaal 15 deelnemers)

Data: zaterdagen 1 maart, 8 maart, 15 maart, 22 maart, 29 maart
5 april, 12 april, 19 april, 26 april
3 mei, 10 mei, 17 mei, 24 mei

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To show your interest in this program.