My most precious travel is my inner journey
Since the fall of 2018, I have been consciously surfing the waves from unrest to peace, from fear to love, from uncertainty to certainty, … In the years that preceded this, I was not very aware of this. On the contrary. I was mainly focussing on the bright upside. And suppressing the somewhat heavier downside, eg. frustrations. And even when they became more present, I tried to find ways to get rid of them. First, that was running. Then it became meditating. Now, I see the downside as precious messages.
As a super Hero I could not see these messages…
My optimism and confidence I derived from my superhero role. A role that focuses on others. The turning point came at my work. At the end of 2018. From one day to the next day, to my surprise. It seemed like my optimism and energy had disappeared. I didn’t know this feeling. I felt like I was failing at what I wanted to achieve.
I no longer saw the point of what I was doing. As much as I wanted to keep myself upright. I had to resign myself to it. This burnout made me realize. That I am not a superhero for others. On the bright side, it was the opportunity to choose to reveal and be myself.
Shift down a few gears. Swapping my Ferrari for bare feet. What is it like to walk barefoot? What does that mean for me? What will my life be like then?
Step by step my inner ‘swamp’ landscape unfolded. No connection with my body and feelings. Shame and insecurity about showing myself vulnerable.
This journey felt like being born again to me. At my pace. Making it safe for myself. Bravely making my vulnerability visible. Being true to myself. What do I want? What do I need now? The burnout helped me to discover my shadow side. Now, I consciously live my light and shadow side. I experience harmony and peace. No matter how deep I dive in a swamp. I know the place of security and connection with myself and others. A place of Self-Loving Being.