The Playing Unicorns Card Game

I work with emotions, as the portal to your true essence.
Pure Playing is often spoken of in an inferior way. Playing is connected to children, and not to adults. Adults are too serious in life. And most destructively, is that we don’t know how to allow this natural curious playing within children to happen. Unconsciously we block them. We unfortunately say too often: NO – to them.

We don’t act aligned when children are proposing an idea, expressing it, and acting on it. We place our own very important needs. The needs of I am very responsible and I know how to survive in this society – above the pureness of the child. We do not see the messages of a child. Children remind you of your own heart, soul, and spirit. A chance to get reconnected. And to live, act, and responsible work from that place within you. We completely miss this message. Remembering to play. Not only deepens the relationship with your children. It also allows you to reconnect to who you are meant to be. And work from that place of trust, calmness, and peace.

We are alienated from playing. Therefore, becoming comfortable with playing is key. This game:

  • helps you recognize 12 steps related to playing
  • becoming comfortable with playing
  • understanding the underlying messages of playing
  • starting to use play to deepen the relationship with your children, and therefore with yourself.

Interested? Shout out at
To show your interest in the game, to experience the game in an individual session or workshop.