Connection and Trust in Family Relationships

Programs for women who experience conflict in family relationships.

You are aware that something is going on in your family system. But what it is is sometimes still confusing. Then you fall into your trap again. And you want to solve other people’s problems.

You may experience that something or someone always intervenes to make yourself visible and express yourself. This allows you to automatically put on a mask, while you prefer to show yourself bravely. You want to take your place within yourself and in your family system from a place of more relaxation and harmony. Let’s do this!

You know it can be done differently. Only, how?

  • You want to have trust in yourself and others. Only fear still surfaces.
  • You want everyone to live their own unique lives in trust. Only that fear comes again.
  • You want to experience an intimate connection with the other. And then you feel fear again.

You have the desire to move from fear to love. Being connected from a place of relaxation and softness. No longer oppressing anything or anyone. Feeling lovingly connected in freedom and trust.

In 5 steps you can create more harmony in family relationships. You increase your self-loving capacity. This makes you feel confidently connected to the other(s).

Curious about the 3 steps? Receive the step-by-step plan.

Do you recognize this?

  • You notice tensions in your environment, which costs you energy.
  • You experience miscommunication around something you meant differently.
  • You think that your light energy is supportive of someone else’s heaviness.
  • You give away energy to others because you think they need you.
  • You experience a feeling of inadequacy and/or rejection in conversations.

What if you now?

  • … experience how you effortlessly experience relaxation during tension.
  • …create clear conversations by being true to yourself in gentleness.
  • …can be with light and heavy energy, with which you inspire others.
  • …experiences equality in relationships, by viewing all relationships from a strength perspective.
  • … can stay connected when it storms, and experience peace and relaxation.

Self Loving Program

€ 333

  • 3 Live sessions via Zoom (50 minuten per sessie)
  • 3 Self Loving meditations
  • © The Taboo Card Game (€25 excluding shipping cost)

Experiencing Harmony in relationships by your self loving capacity

In this program the focus is on harmony in family relationships through gentleness and clarity. Which gives clarity and relaxation.

In 3 steps you experience your Self-Loving Being. While experiencing connection in trust to yourself and your relationships.

Step 1. Self Loving Attitude
From resisting to accepting reality
Embrace your reality. In step 1, recognize painful conflict in relationships, and transform this into what you want.

Step 2. Self Loving Connection
From fearing to flowing with feelings
Be true to yourself. In step 2, recognize when the connection with the other person breaks or flows. And (re)open your heart to yourself and others.

Step 3. Self Loving Capacity
From confusion to clarity in compassion
Self Loving Receiving. In step 3, staying connected to yourself and others during conflicts. And to communicate gently, lovingly, and clearly.

Does this resonate with you? Let’s get to know each other. And plan a free intake call, to see if this program is something for you now.

Self Loving by Virtues of 3 Values

Self Loving Receiving

You radiate softness at every moment

Self Loving Safety

You are true to yourself in every moment

Self Loving Freedom

You embed self loving capacity at every moment

What if you now… less ‘false hope’ and more certainty in family relationships?

If you create movement within yourself, the other person moves with you. And with that, your family relationships move naturally. Instead of managing and/or controlling your relationships. Hoping to help others leads to disappointment.

Especially during conflicts you lose trust. It is then that you want to keep your heart open. Only at those moments, it does close. By expanding your Self-Loving capacity. You can open your heart again.

You want to move beyond fear to trust. In every situation. With every person. Everything that lives in you is welcome.