A Safe and Loving Connection with Children

Programs for parents who experience emotional battles with Children

You are aware that your behavior does not contribute to a safe and loving with children. You get extremely angry, or worried. Then you behave in a way that costs you more energy than you get out of it. Because you are acting from a place of survival and fear. Rather than from a place of love.

You may experience that automatically you easily give up your own needs. As you unconsciously condition yourself that others need you. Or others need it more than you do. A deep underlying fear keeps you in this illusion. And you repeat the same pattern over and over.

Do you dare to believe, to break FREE from this illusion?

You can overcome your Fear. And gain clarity on your underlying Needs.

Right now, you stand here:

  • Low Trust: You cannot believe that someone can change, as it always goes wrong. Like the saying: “Results from the past, are no guarantee for the future
  • Low Love: You cannot be compassionate (equal understanding for every situation) for the way someone (chooses) to live. Do cannot believe: “Everyone carries their cross for strength
  • Low Connection: You cannot be too attached to someone. Otherwise, the pain of detachment from someone you are deeply attached to will be unbearable. You can relate to: “When someone dies, you feel you failed; and/or life is no longer worth living, as you identified your existence with theirs“.

In 3 steps you can create more harmony in family relationships. You can increase a safe and loving connection in your relationships. The ingredients to experience more harmony in family relationships. Curious about the 3 steps? Receive the step-by-step plan.

Do you recognize this?

  • You experience miscommunication around something you meant differently.
  • You think that your light energy is supportive of someone else’s heaviness.
  • You give away energy to others because you think they need you.

What if you …

  • …create clear conversations by being true to yourself in gentleness.
  • …can be with light and heavy energy, with which you inspire others.
  • …experiences equality in relationships, by viewing all relationships from a strength perspective.

1-on-1 Program
Unconditional Loving Family

€ 500

  • 3 Coachings Live or Zoom (60 minuten per sessie)
  • 6 Card Game Sessions Live or Zoom (30 minuten per sessie).
  • 3 Self-Loving Meditations
  • Free Access to 3 Module Workshops (90min) of Choice

Focus 1. CONNECT
From resisting to accepting reality
Become aware of your needs & boundaries, and underlying values – during emotional battles. Build confidence and compassion towards your reality. And Recognize & Reveal body sensations, the key to safety.

From confusion to clarity via compassion 
Understand your underlying needs and values – during emotional battles. Build confidence and compassion towards your illusions. Release & Repair battles in relationships, while staying true to who you are.

Focus 3. SAFE
From fearing to loving to play with emotions
Gently express your needs and values – during emotional battles. Build confidence and compassion towards your capabilities. Reset & Relax your current being, while staying curious to grow your “capabilities” by strength. And return to wholeness.

What if you have less false hope and more trust in family relationships?

Instead of managing and/or controlling your relationships. And keep hoping you can solve the problems of others. Which often leads to disappointments, and losing trust.

You can turn relationships into experiencing trust, love, and connection. When you can break with illusions. When you dare to behave differently. You change a family system that was no longer serving you (and them) anymore. With your movement. The other moves. The whole family system moves.

You want to move beyond fear to trust. You want to move beyond fear to love. You want to move beyond fear to connection. Feel welcome with all that is alive in you. And dare to take responsibility for your family dynamics.

3 virtues of nicolekemp


Parenting in a safe space being true to who you are


Parenting from hard into a gentle heart being


Parenting in a playful space brings light and joy