Each and every being has an innate ability to heal as a gift from the Gods.

– Mikao Usui

Art by Michelle Smith

Reiki Healing.

Receiving Reiki is a loving gift to yourself. For relaxation and healing.

Reiki healing by nicolekemp adds value to your feelings. They will be moved and become more conscious. Her Reiki focuses on moving (un)conscious energies that are stuck. And bringing insights into these obstacles. Your energies will be moved on all layers: emotionally, energetically, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Receive Reiki to connect with your unconscious energies that will intuitively be heard, seen, or felt.

Reiki provides clarity and motivation to set these (un)conscious and stuck energies in motion. More sessions deepen your healing process and increase clarity and consciousness.

Reiki Treatment

Get into motion with Reiki (1 session)

Relax and Re-energize yourself. Reiki provides clarity and motivation to set unconscious energies in motion – while being at ease.
1 Session (20min) · 30 Eur | 230 DKK


Get clarity with Reiki (3 sessions)

More Reiki sessions provide more clarity in your healing process on a theme currently on your path. 
3 Session (20min) · 80 Eur | 600 DKK

*Optional: For an additional 13 euro. You can choose to combine Reiki with a Reading. After receiving Reiki, you receive a loving, neutral, and clear personal message. This will move you on a theme that matters now on your path.

*Reiki is given from a distance. Or Live in Copenhagen.

The bravest thing in my life I had ever done.

Is staying connected with my body when experiencing intense emotions.

Reiki Master Practitioner.

Connecting with my body felt unsafe for me. I went straight into survival mode when I intended to connect with the tension or pain stored in my body.

Practicing Reiki for myself brings me into contact with my body. It helps me to get familiar with my body sensations. Reiki helped me to restore this safe feeling, to carefully connect with my body. And to create security and trust in the connection with my body.

I finally was able to stay present and in touch with my feelings. Reiki brings such value to my life that I want to spread this energy. Thus, I have taken Reiki attunements 1, 2a and 2b, and 3a. These attunements strengthen my ability to heal myself and other people with Reiki.

Birth Place of Reiki

Mount Kuramadera in Kyoto, Japan – is the birth place of Reiki. Mikao Usui went there in search of peace in his normal daily life as worker, father and partner. He was fasting and meditating 21 days at Mt. KuraMadera. He found enlightment and he received the gift Reiki. Mt. Kuramadera is in many ways special. The whole journey, starting with the steps before the gate of Mt. Kuramadera is magical. And the journey towards the top with visiting multiple unique temples is just wonderful. I write more about it at Linkedin.

Reviews Reiki Healing

“I received a session from Nicole last night and was able to experience what energy can do. Today (after the past two days of being sick/minus/heavy energy) I feel like new today.” #recommended #streams #flow #allesisenergy – Indira

“Partly because of the Reiki sessions you gave me and the information you received, I have gained several insights. That recognition is very nice and I learn how to deal with my own blockages. As you always beautifully put it, I also peel always a new layer” – Patricia

“I have now received a number of sessions from Nicole and it feels like a magical journey in which there is so much clarity and awareness and I feel happier, freer, lighter and more relaxed after the session that lasts a long time and opens up new layers in me every time. me. Give yourself this beautiful and wonderful gift and this wonderful exchange of love and energy.” – Saskia

Becoming a Reiki Master

Reiki attunement 1 starts with healing ourselves. Following by Reiki attunement 2 healing others. Then the next attunements are all about raising your Reiki energy and becoming a Reiki professional to treat others by having for instance your own practice.

Then the step of deciding and becoming a Reiki Master is a serious one. It is about enriching your daily life with Reiki when waking up, having your food, treating your pet, treating clients, etc.