Soothing Elves Workshop

90min, Є55 euro p.p. – op aanvraag via email

Sadness is often an overwhelming emotion for many of us. And also misunderstood in its value of relaxation, resting, and a feeling of belonging.

Either we feel like we are drowning in tears, we feel like holding our tears up, or we have forgotten about them. When you face a moment where the door slightly opens to meet these pure golden tears of yours. You regain strength over your vulnerability. Your vulnerability is your compass of what you like and dislike.

We are disconnected from your compass. Therefore, becoming comfortable with our sadness and ways of soothing is key.

Workshop Program

  • Opening Meditation
  • Why Soothing Elves
  • Understanding constructive and destructive sadness and soothing
  • Using sadness and soothing in a way that is beneficial for you
  • What is The Soothing Elves Card Game?
  • Intuitively we will pick one group card from
    The Soothing Elves Card Game

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