Taboo Workshop 1

Bevrijd Jezelf van Taboe

90min, Є33 euro p.p. – on request via email

Does it feel like only you are always bothered by something? As if only you always have to deal with gloom, addiction, aggression? Pinning this feeling in your body makes this your reality. What do you need to let this feeling flow within you and free yourself from taboo themes?

In this workshop, I invite you to delve into taboo themes. To touch and play with them gently. Together we will play © The Taboo Card Game with a challenging taboo question about the past as a child and a question about now.

After this workshop, we highlighted themes that can feel heavy. I believe that all taboo themes exist in everyone. And that some taboo energies are more visible in some people than in others. When you are aware of not one but all taboo energies within yourself. You move more and more towards Harmony. An infinite balance of peace, and quietness. The gateway to your source and your essence.

Workshop Program

  • Opening Meditation
  • What does Taboo mean to me?
  • What is Taboo? And what is The Taboo Card Game?
  • Intuitively we draw 1 group card from The Taboo Card Game

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Taboo Workshop 2

Shine a light on your Taboo resistance

90min, Є33 euro p.p. – on request via email

Do you feel resistance from basic emotions surrounding taboo themes? Do you recognize your blockages of fear, shame, joy, anger, sadness, etc.? Or, for example, is sadness or anger in itself a taboo for you? What do you need to move through this resistance to basic emotions and clear your way through the taboo landscape?

In this workshop, I invite you to connect with your resistance around basic emotions – which evoke various taboo themes in you – and to play with them. This time we are going to play from my PRI background (Past Reality Integration by Ingeborg Bosch) © The Taboo Card Game. I focus on the taboo cards that reflect the emotions: anxiety, shame, joy, anger, and sadness.

After this workshop, we highlighted basic emotions that can feel like resistance. To free your path from taboo, and your taboo landscape will feel freer. I believe that all taboo themes exist in everyone, and that some taboo energies are more visible in some people than in others. When you are aware of not one but all taboo energies within yourself. You move more and more towards an infinite balance of peace and quietness. The gateway to your source and your essence.
Do you want to connect with Taboo themes together with others? In a group, participants feel recognition in hearing the experiences of others. Make a conscious choice to connect with taboo energies. Feel how you become more comfortable to share taboo themes with others. And grow together towards more liberation.

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Individual Taboo Sessions

Would you rather get to know Taboo energies in your life 1-on-1? Then you can gently connect with the taboo energies together with me. And experience step by step what stands in the way to be more comfortable around them. By becoming more aware of your feelings of unsafety and resistance.
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  • 1 Individual Taboo Session (30min)
    33 euro
  • 5 Individual Taboo Sessions (5x30min), 15 euro korting.
    150 euro.

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-a- stands for @, done to prevent spam in my mailbox.

Reviews Taboo Workshops & Individual Sessions

Het Taboe Kaartspel onder begeleiding van Nicole is een prettig middel om bij een proces stil te staan. Het was fijn dat ik tijdens het delen ruimte en beweging mocht ervaren” – Brenda

Het bracht beperkende opvattingen aan het licht, en ik heb een belangrijke eerste stap gezet richting mijn verwachting.” – anoniem

“Ik vond het heel mooi dat je ook eigen voorbeelden in bracht vanuit jezelf. Had echt een samen gevoel ipv dat je als leider boven ons de groep staat. Je enthousiasme en veiligheid dat je bood”

– Judith

Ik werd emotioneel geraakt. Weet eigenlijk niet meer precies wat er toen gezegd werd. En ik vond het werken met het spel wel bijzonder. Voelde anders dan toen ik de set thuis ontving.” – Jetty