Taboo Compassion Workshop

90min, Є33 euro p.p. – on request via email

Being with the Suffering of our loved ones. The hardest thing there is. On one hand, we wish to take away the suffering for them. On the other hand, when we suffer ourselves from pain, sadness, a loss, … – we want to be received with love. Do you recognize that?

We often don’t know how to deal with suffering. Think of automatic patterns. Trying to solve it, appease it, or sympathize with the suffering. Due to fear or ignorance, we sometimes do not know how to behave around suffering.

What if you could Be with Suffering? Dare to be with your suffering. First, receive your suffering with compassion. And then, compassionately be there for the suffering of others. Do you feel how valuable compassion is for taboo topics?

Workshop Program

  • Opening Meditation
  • What does Taboo & Compassion mean to me?
  • Compassion for you, Meditation
  • Compassion for surroundings, Meditation
  • What is Taboo? And what is The Taboo Card Game?
  • Intuitively we draw 1 group card from The Taboo Card Game

Sign up via mail